S01E05-Bob the Plant - Aren't We a Pair
S01E06-The Big Dig - Amazing Man
S01E07-She is the Moon of Moons - Beats of Beijing
S01E08-Hoopin Hopper - A Chopsticky Situation
S01E09-Speaking Wigglewalker - London Frog
S01E10-Queen for a Day - Jolly Special Friend
S01E11-Guitar to Sitar - Spring Has Not Sprung
S01E12-Where's Luna - Pulling Strings
S01E13-Didgeridoo and Carmen Too - Not Home on the Range
S01E14-Boomin Boomerang - House Music
S01E15-You Can't Move the Moon - Lizardzilla
S01E16-Windy Washi-When The Bowl Breaks